Sunday 22 November 2015

Assalamualaikum & selamat malam geng!

Wahhh...lama betoi ni x nulis kat blog.. rasa mcm outdated pun ada.. al-maklumlah..skrg ni ramai yg lebih suka update status kat fb, wechat, twitter, dan apa2 media sosial lain yg femes.. blog dah mcm ketinggalan zaman pun ada. Fungsi blog pon dah makin berubah ke arah marketing barang2 untuk dijual..ntah ade ntah idok org yg baca blog dah sekarang ni..

Hmmm.. back to my topic harini... stress jugak la kalau nak ikutkan... tp malas nak amek port. Mana tak nye, klu ikut, kerja yg ditambah ni x kisahla banyak mana pun, bila dah lama bekerjaya, mesti la job scope pun akan makin besar.. tp masalahnya yg agak 'menjengkelkan' ni sbb semangat nak buat kije tu berkobar2 bukan main, tapi xde maseeeeeeeeee lah pulakkkk... heyyy... rupanya tulis blog lagi senang dari nak bangunkan laman web. Dah la x de pengalaman sgt, nak kata dapat formal education pun x.. dah tu, x boleh buat kat rumah plak tu.. hanya boleh guna server company saja. Kena plak baru2 ni ada audit cek semua hal kat jabatan, apo laieeee, eden kono lah tompiasnyo!!

Mcm yg aku 'up' status tuh... ada kuasa tapi xda masa, xda tmpt n xda kemudahan... sakit hateyyyyy..
Mybe sesetengah tu tgh pk, ni malas buat keja ni, bukan ada masalah apa pun... masalahnye kan, untuk pengetahuan korg, eden ni xdo le plak pengalaman buat website from scratch, kena plak kawan2 yg baik hati yg nak tolong pun, xde gak pengalaman.. kami mmg la dok buat, tp kena sabar la...sikit2 la kami dok upgrade... huwaaaa.... apa salah kami... niat nak tolong, tp kena komen le plak.. ade jugak yg aku soh depa buat sendiri.. baru ada akai kot..

Okaylah kengkawan semua, baik saya siapkan satu dua artikel and plan pape yg patut pasal saya mesti nak kena buat jugak masa cuti semester nanti.. Wish me luck!

Sunday 23 August 2015

Whoaaa... I'm back..! Now with a new title given to me: A WEBMASTER for my department. Just so you know, I haven't been doing this blogging thing for so long. What can I do best is just to google the FREE templates where I see fit and I just apply it. Simple. LOL.

Now, I am testing my own maximum capability... Well, if you are given quite a few things to handle, and you had to agree, that is testing my capability. Let me tell you, what do I get so far..

  1. currently being the Course Leader for a small course
  2. appointed to be the department's webmaster
  3. handling the curriculum review
  4. facing the daily task of teaching
  5. searching and improving my latest module
I believe I can do it (I will try my best).. If not, why people keep trusting us to handle the things that we thought we would never try? I will think of this as a challenge and as a blessing. I have been in passive mode for so long, and now I want to be the old-energetic-and-productive me. Being passive is making me unhappy. The longer I am passive, the more I feel depressed, lazy, and losing hope day after day. 

So, what is the next step? 

Let us see the improvements.

Let us grow together.


Friday 11 April 2014

everytime people goes to the toilet, a worker will clean it.. so the public toilets are usually very clean & they sometimes spray the air freshner after the toilet being used.. 

Friday 29 November 2013

tekanan perasaan btoi la bila nak buat persiapan kahwin ni.. ada ja yg x kena.. mcmna la org lain wat persiapan? mcm normal or xda benda nak kalut pn.. ke aku sorg je yg gelabah? adoiiiiiiiiiiiyaiiiii...

Friday 15 November 2013

watched #FreedomWriters just now.. it was really moving. I even cried almost along the way watching it.. This is something that everyone should watch. Especially the Malaysian where racism is becoming serious (in my opinion lah..) 

Next, tomorrow, I promised to cook Tom Yam Goong for my dad. I know that he longed for homecooked food everytime I come home.. it used to be that on weekends, I come back home, mom would cook everything that we like.. after she's gone, it becomes the other way around.. dad always preferred to eat at home with me or any other family members as long as we cook the rice at home.. and he eats a lot too.. I hope thay he can find someone who can take care of him lovingly.. without hoping anything in return.. 

These days, I get sleepy early at night and I get up earlier than usual.. what do I do about it.. ugh.. now I'm sleepy.. 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Heyya guys.. almost November already.. last 23/10-24/10 I went to a workshop in KL.. It was held in Hotel Impiana KLCC.. never thought that our (well, me & my friends encounter an email notifying us that there will be a workshop stationed in KL.. ) intention of working-shopping-vacation plan would turn out to be a great opportunity for us.. 

Startled with the participants where most of them are Drs.. meaning that most of them already had their PhD.. so we got a bit scared.. put yourself my shoes please people.. it's not easy to be yourself when people around you are respected people.. even when we were asked very simple question, we were afraid to answer it.. thought that it would be a silly answer and spoil our moment.. also will further will be done when people realize that we are from which department.. ughh... scaryyyyyy....!! 

Happy moment? When could get the answers right & at the same time the Drs looking at us, not looking down on us.. haha.. the precious moment I tell you! 

Further to add up to this happy incident, after we went back home, we got a good news told by our beloved boss, (whom I got to know shocked/surprised that she got positive feedbacks from the organizers and offered us a special post at their department.. 

Good news babe!!! I cant stop smiling.. ok.. enough of the story.. I'll show you the photos.. 

From far left, Dr Hartini, me, Im, Dr Joe, & Yana.. 

Yeah.. more to come.. just wait for the next stories to come.. thanks for stopping by.. Have a great day people!!! XOXO

Sunday 20 October 2013

yeah... students of mine.. G6.. 

yeah... write those words... 

more discussion & mind you, THEY ARE USING ENGLISH... awww... i love myself...

tha boyzzzzz... i know.. they hate me.. ahahaha.. but.. do i look like i care????? 

hurm... feel blessed right seeing these kids study??? 
look... everybody is working hard... awwww......